woman putting a stamp on a report

Accreditations and Approvals

Eurocontrol holds all the accreditations, authorisations, certifications and registrations necessary to perform the inspection, testing, certification and control services it provides. These accreditations, which are issued by the related official bodies following a process of technical audit and management, are the guarantee of our technical proficiency, and validate our operational procedures.

Accreditations issued

by ENAC (the Spanish National Accreditation Body)

ENAC impartially evaluates the compliance by the various evaluators pursuant to the requisites which are put in place in universally accepted International Standards or in regulatory documentation, in order to ensure that they are operating correctly. Accreditations granted by the ENAC provide the basis which is used by the Central and Regional Administrations to authorise companies to provide their services in the related areas, in each of their geographical spheres.

Eurocontrol fits into three of the categories which are evaluated by the ENAC:


Inspection Body


Inspection bodies perform evaluations of installations, components, etc. on a regulatory or voluntary basis, to determine their complaince with legislation, standards or specifications. Eurocontrol has the following accreditations as an Inspection Body, according to the requisites established in the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020 Standard:

  •  06/EI007 Industrial Inspection 
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  •  06/EI060 Inspection of Leisure Vessels 
downloadDownload the Technical Annex
  •  06/EI092 Environmental Inspection
downloadDownload the Technical Annex
  •  OC-I/271 State Metrological Control: phase of instruments in service
downloadDownload the Technical Annex


Testing Laboratory


Accreditation by ENAC guarantees the technical competency of the Testing Laboratories, as provided for in the requisites put in place in the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 Standard. The following are the accreditations which Eurocontrol holds as a Testing Laboratory:

  • 845/LE1683 Acoustic Tests
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  • 845/LE1878 Non-Destructive Tests
downloadDownload the Technical Annex
  • 845/LE1953 the Environmental Sector 
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Product Certification


Product Certification Bodies perform product evaluations to determine conformity with legislation, standards or specifications. Eurocontrol has the following accreditations as Product Certification Body, according to the requirements established in the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17065 standard:

  • 226_CPR456 Certification of Elevators and Pressure Equipment as Notified Body (CE Marking).
Download the Technical Annex   Download the certificate
  • 226_CPR457 Certification of Recreational Craft as Notified Body (CE Marking).
 Download the Technical Annex   Download the certificate


Accreditations & Authorisations

Eurocontrol has also been recognised elsewhere following processes of evaluation, registration or certification by public or private bodies associated with each of them and which authorise the company to perform certain services.


The following are the most important of these:

  • Accreditation as an External Prevention Service provider at national level, issued by the IRSST (the Madrid Regional Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) in the four following specialities: Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Psychosociology and Occupational Medicine. descargarDownload SPA
  • Certificate as a Technical Control Body for Construction (OCT) issued by UNESPA (the Spanish Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Institutions).
  • Registration in the Ministry of Development as a Control Body for Quality in Construction (ECCE).
  • Registration in the Technical Construction Code (CTE) in all the Autonomous Communities, to conduct the Quality Control on buildings and civil engineering work, and trials on construction materials.
  • Registration as a Body for the Verification of Energy Certification, in all the Autonomous Communities.
  • Certification of the consultancy personnel for the sustainability certificates issued by BREEAM.
  • Certification of the procedures for consultancy and specification in waste plants and in solid urban waste, issued by ECOEMBES.
  • Registration as Industrial Inspection and Control Body (EICI) in the Community of Madrid in a number of fields.
  • A body notified for evaluation and clearance of Leisure Vessels, issued by the Ministry of Development.
  • Certificat AENOR en tant qu'organisme de formation pour les opérateurs de plates-formes élévatrices mobiles de personnes (PEMP) downloadDownload

Management System


As provided for in Eurocontrol’s Quality, Environmental and Occupational Risk Prevention policies, the company holds the certifications which guarantee that those policies are complied with, and issued by the following bodies with authority: 



Why choose Eurocontrol ?


A team of experts at your disposal

more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level

with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity

that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.