Our lines of activities
Eurocontrol offers services and expertise in several lines of business, based on five core activities: inspection, training, testing and measurement, certification and labelling, consulting and technical support.
Whether it's personal safety, site safety and compliance, product qualification, environmental safety or digital security, Apave pursues its mission as a trusted third party for its customers.
Regulatory inspection
The compliance of equipment and installations is undoubtedly a local regulatory obligation, but it is also a useful and necessary lever for the safe development of the company. -
Metrology covers all aspects of measurement, both theoretical and practical, and is the control of measurement processes. Legal metrology aims at verifying compliance with applicable regulations concerning, among other things, measuring instruments, ensuring fairness in commercial transactions. On the other hand, ensuring traceability of measurements and verifying their reliability is essential for companies to control processes and guarantee the quality of their services.
In addition to being a regulatory requirement in certain areas, metrology can contribute greatly to your company's competitiveness. Eurocontrol technicians can help you with state-of-the-art measurement equipment and traceability to ENAC-accredited standards. -
The nautical sector in Spain has been growing for several years, especially the pleasure boat sector (+9.73% in rentals). Marinas have reached a turnover of 166 M€ in 2019. The demand for moorings continues to grow, as well as other related activities, such as the sale of pleasure boats. With 292 marinas and 131,100 moorings concentrated in Andalusia, the Balearic Islands and Catalonia, the nautical recreational sector generates 12 billion euros and is constantly evolving.
Whether for recreational craft, large vessels or offshore platforms, the risks of navigation depend to a large extent on the condition of the vessels. To ensure safety, Eurocontrol carries out increasingly precise controls, with services ranging from the inspection or CE marking of recreational craft to non-destructive testing of vessels. -
NDT and industrial inspection
The quality assurance of products, compliance with standards and the conformity of equipment and installations are useful and necessary tools for the safe development of the company. The control of the variables involved in the production process has become essential to guarantee the safety of products and users. Eurocontrol helps you to control and supervise these variables (products, procedures, processes, systems, qualifications, suppliers, projects, etc.) to ensure that they comply with the quality requirements established by regulations or contracts. -
Any industrial, construction or other activity is likely to generate alterations in the environment that may constitute a risk to the environment and, therefore, to the safety of people, animals and things.
To minimise this risk, the different administrations have developed general and specific environmental regulations for each activity, which regulate the limits of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere and into watercourses and soils.
On the other hand, and outside the regulatory sphere, risks related to the environment have financial, safety, value creation and opportunity detection implications for any company today. -
According to the WHO, noise is the second most important environmental risk factor in Europe after air pollution, causing hearing effects such as communication breakdown and hearing loss.
Inside a building, excessive noise can have very detrimental effects on the comfort and health of the people who work or live there. The same is true for any infrastructure or activity that generates noise and is close to populated areas.
The objective of the acoustic diagnosis is to determine the sound and acoustic quality of the analysed element and, if necessary, to propose the necessary measures against noise in order to comply with existing regulations and to improve people's hearing comfort. -
The importance of environmental issues and better use of resources, the growing financial constraints and the need for investment to modernise facilities are major challenges for local authorities today. The performance of waste policies for the coming years is therefore essential and Eurocontrol provides its expertise to local authorities for an optimised waste management. -
The awareness of all actors in society of the need to adopt a sustainable development model, the current global economic situation and the definition of policies and legal requirements (both international and national and local) have led organisations to become involved in the process of finding solutions to carry out their activity in compliance with these requirements and to mitigate the effects of climate change associated with their activities and meet the needs of stakeholders. -
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is one of the keys to a company's performance, as it allows energy consumption to be optimised in order to carry out the same activity. Energy efficiency, in addition to representing financial savings, also means competitiveness for companies, innovation and creation of economic activity and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric pollutants. -
Management systems consultancy
The implementation of risk control and continuous improvement tools implies the integration of the strategy, resources and operation of an activity, in addition to enabling the integration of environmental and sustainability commitments and safety requirements, among others. All of this generates added value for your organization through improved competitiveness and access to new markets.
The building sector is facing increasingly stringent regulatory requirements in terms of energy efficiency and building safety. The construction of new buildings or the refurbishment of existing buildings must meet a series of criteria that guarantee compliance with regulations, the safety of people and property, the sustainability of the building, acoustic and thermal comfort and the correct management of maintenance, among others.
Sustainability implies a radical change in the use of building materials, in the management of waste generated or in building renovation techniques to comply with new environmental requirements. The building renovation and rehabilitation sector is growing in Spain, given the age of our building stock, which no longer complies with new construction standards and represents a high level of avoidable energy waste. -
Occupational risk prevention
The prevention of occupational risks is a major challenge for the company. It requires, first of all, a strong commitment within the organisation itself. Everyone in the company (employer, personnel delegate, prevention officer or worker) is directly involved in its implementation. Prevention is part of corporate social responsibility, aimed at reducing the risk of accidents and occupational illnesses and limiting their human, social and economic consequences. -
Civil engineering and infrastructures
The great challenge of civil engineering and infrastructure construction is to create value by improving the profitability of investments and boosting the development of regions with the development of safer and more environmentally friendly transport infrastructures and the most innovative and sustainable projects in the industrial, energy and environmental fields. -
Telecommunications are the basis of the globalisation process in which we are immersed, as they make possible an almost instantaneous flow of information that enables commercial transactions, facilitates the creation of collaborative environments between very distant entities and favours automation processes and remote monitoring of processes. -
More than 30 years of experience in technical training in standards and regulations, both for our employees and our clients.
We are specialists in technical training on international and national standards and regulations in all sectors of activity that are concerned with ensuring the safety of workers, minimising risks, and creating safe, reliable and quality products and services for the market. Our courses are given by specialists in each subject and offer training that responds to the real needs of companies, as they have been developed based on the practical experience of our technicians.
We manage your training credit so that it is 100% BONUSED.
Why choose Eurocontrol ?

A team of experts at your disposal

Geographical coverage at national level