Our commitment
- We have developed a report in which we declare our commitment to the Ten Principles of the Global Compact, referring to Human Rights, Labour Rights, the Environment and the fight against corruption, available on the website of the Global Compact Spanish Network.
Our ethical documents
- We have implemented a series of ethical documents, which set out the values, commitments and ethical responsibilities assumed by all the company's employees. Consult our Anti-Corruption Code, Code of Ethics and Whistleblowing Procedure to verify our commitment to ethics and anti-corruption.
Whistleblowing Procedure
- We have established specific protocols to guide actions in relation to the acceptance and offering of gifts and hospitality, as well as in dealing with public officials and authorities.
Criminal risks
- We have implemented a crime prevention policy, which spells out the company's key principles and values to achieve its business objectives and prevent the materialisation of criminal risks within the company.
- We have implemented a crime prevention system that complies with both the applicable regulations (criminal code) and the best business practices (UNE 19601) in terms of criminal liability of legal entities.
Consult our implemented Criminal Compliance, Quality, Environment and Energy Efficiency Policies, as well as our Good Environmental Practices Guide disseminated to our staff, to assure clients and society in general of compliance with the criminal legislation applicable to our organisation as well as the commitment of our Senior Management to these matters.
Should you wish to know the environmental and energy performance of our Company, please request it through the following email: gestion@eurocontrol.es
Why choose Eurocontrol ?

A team of experts at your disposal
more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level
with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity
that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.