ensaios acústicos não destrutivos

Acoustic emission NDT

Acoustic emission is a phenomenon of energy release in the form of transient elastic waves within a material under stress. Detection and analysis of the signals provide information about anomalies in the stress field, e.g. related to the presence of defects. The detection is performed by a piezoelectric sensor attached to the structure. 

What is

acoustic emission NDT?

Acoustic emission is a global, volumetric, real-time, non-destructive testing (NDT) method that detects evolving and active defects in stressed material. Over the last few years, acoustic emission testing has been standardised in European and international regulations and is increasingly used in industry for the inspection of installations.


Acoustic emission has several advantages over other techniques:

- Reveal the presence of a defect or even give its position and sometimes, if the reference data is sufficient, assess its harmfulness.

- Allow inspection of a large structure in a single operation using a limited number of sensors.

- Check critical areas that are not accessible.

- Allow inspection with the structure in operation.

In this sense, at Eurocontrol we are pioneers in the use of the Non Destructive Testing technique based on acoustic emission for the diagnosis and evaluation of metal structures globally (the entire structure) and we were the first laboratory in Spain to be accredited with ENAC for the verification of LPG storage tanks by the acoustic emission method, in 2011, a project for which we obtained the ACIE Certificate for research and development and technological innovation (R+D+i).

Our services

acoustic emission
acoustic emission

ENAC accredited test laboratory


Re-qualification of LPG tanks by means of acoustic emission tests under the UNE-EN 14.584, UNE-EN 12.819 and UNE-EN 12.817 standards.


Diagnosis of metal equipment under pressure


Acoustic emission tests under national, European and international standards:

  • ASME V Art. 12.
  • AFIAP.
  • UNE-EN 14.584.
  • ISO 16.148.


The purpose of this type of test is to evaluate the state of structural integrity of atmospheric or pressurised metallic equipment and/or pipes of the following type:

  • Tanks transporting hazardous products.
  • Pressure equipment (boilers, pipes, exchangers, etc.).
  • Bottles containing Compressed Gases.
  • Gas spheres.
  • Other



  • We are an Authorised Control Body (OCA) with ENAC accreditation, among other areas, in the Pressure Equipment Regulation and in the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) for all the inspections mentioned in the regulatory documents defined for control bodies.


  • We are a notified body with ENAC accreditation for the assessments described in DIRECTIVE 2010/35/EU TRANSPORTABLE PRESSURE EQUIPMENT in tanks (type approval, initial and periodic checks and reassessment of conformity) and in pressure vessels (type approval, periodic checks, surveillance of the applicant's own internal inspection service and reassessment of conformity.


  • To carry out acoustic emission tests, we have Level 2 inspectors in accordance with ISO 9712 with more than 5 years of experience trained and supervised by the Technical Management of the Laboratory and a Level III under ISO 9712 with more than 15 years of experience.


  • We have a large fleet of mobile laboratories for the pressurisation of LPG tanks of up to 50 m3 and mobile laboratories sufficiently equipped to carry out any acoustic emission test on any other structure. As far as testing equipment is concerned, we have a large number of equipment from the two main hardware and software manufacturers specialising in acoustic emissions worldwide (VALLEN SYSTEMI and MISTRAS GROUP).

Discover our other

related services

eurocontrol technician testing the strength of a structure by ultrasound
Non-destructive testing
Non-destructive testing (NDT) makes it possible to assess the integrity of industrial structures without damaging them, to determine acceptability thresholds and to detect defects during condition diagnosis, so that the element under assessment can be replaced or reinforced as soon as possible without interrupting activity. Thanks to state-of-the-art instruments, Eurocontrol can carry out non-destructive testing of your production and structures using a wide range of means: ultrasound, acoustic emission, liquid penetrant, magnetic particles, radiography or thermography.
pressure gauge for pressure equipment
Inspection of pressure equipment and installations

We carry out regulatory inspections of pressure equipment subjected to a maximum allowable pressure of more than 0.5 bar as an authorised control body (ACO) and check its safety for marketing as a notified body.

warehouse with chemical goods in containers and barrels
Regulatory inspection of installations and storage of chemical products

Faulty storage can have serious consequences: dangerous chemical reactions, significant release of harmful products, even explosion or fire, poisoning, falls from the ground, injuries, etc. The quantity of products stored, the presence of volatile, flammable or incompatible products, ventilation and the stability of the environment in terms of temperature and exposure are all parameters that must be taken into account.

The issue of risk limitation is essential to guarantee continuous activity, to limit the risks of exposure to people on site and above all to prevent the risks of contamination in the surrounding area.

Why choose Eurocontrol ?


A team of experts at your disposal

more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level

with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity

that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.