Once again, in Eurocontrol we are pioneers in the application of the acoustic emission technique to new regulatory fields, extending it on this occasion to metallic equipment filled with liquid according to the UNE-EN 15856 standard.
The test according to this standard refers to liquid-filled atmospheric metallic containers, such as those used in the chemical and petrochemical industry, and allows the detection of active corrosion in the bottoms, replacing as an equivalent test the interior visual inspection and providing qualitative information on the conditions of the tank bottoms.

National regulations are progressively incorporating acoustic emission as a test to support inspection. The first field in which it was introduced was gas, with LPG tanks, followed by the application in ADR inspection, then joined the pressure equipment located in refineries and, with this application, a wide range of possibilities within this new field is opened.
The trend is to incorporate this technique into other regulations, based on the authorizations of the competent bodies of the autonomous communities that grant acoustic emission a safety level equivalent to that of conventional techniques.
Learn more about acoustic emission