What is
verification of tyre pression gauges
The verification of analogue pressure gauges is governed by the Order of 25 April 1995 regulating the metrological control of pressure gauges for public use for motor vehicle tyres in the phases of verification after repair or modification and periodic verification.
For its part, the verification of electronic pressure gauges is governed by Order ITC/3700/2006, of 22 November, which regulates the State metrological control of pressure gauges equipped, totally or partially, with electronic components, with or without predetermination devices, intended to measure the pressure of motor vehicle tyres.
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What is the time limit for periodic checks?
- 1 year
Which equipment must be verified?
The State metrological control of pressure gauges refers to the in-service phase and includes both verification after repair or modification and periodic verification of the gauges.
- Analogue: mechanical pressure gauges for public use for motor vehicle tyres, falling within the scope of the Order of the Ministry of Public Works and Town Planning of 28 December 1988.
- Electronic: pressure gauges equipped totally or partially with electronic components and with or without presetting devices, intended to measure the pressure of motor vehicle tyres.
Eurocontrol is accredited by ENAC No. OC-I/271 to carry out periodic verification and after repair or modification of the following pressure gauges as in-service instruments:
- Electronic pressure gauges intended to measure the tyre pressure of motor vehicles up to 20 bar.
- Analogue pressure gauges for use by the public for motor vehicle tyres up to 20 bar
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