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Certification of welders under ISO 17024

We carry out the certification of people under accreditation 17024 for the qualification of welders, in accordance with different standards, such as EN ISO 9606-1, EN ISO 9606-2 or EN ISO 14732, among others.

What is

Welder Certification?

The certification of welders guarantees that the appropriate methods and procedures are carried out for the correct fulfilment of the requirements prescribed in the regulations, codes, standards, specifications, operating procedures or work instructions to be used during the welder qualification activity.

In order to accredit that the person seeking certification complies with these requirements, the certifier (in this case, Eurocontrol) carries out a practical test based on the application of different standards or codes, depending on the welding process in which he/she is being certified. The test consists of the execution of a weld under the supervision of our expert personnel.

Reference standards for certification

  • UNE-EN ISO 9606-1 - Qualification of welders. Fusion welding. Part 1: Steels. Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels.
  • UNE-EN ISO 9606-2 - Qualification of welders. Fusion welding. Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys.
  • UNE-EN ISO 9606-4 - Qualification of welders. Fusion welding. Part 4: Nickel and nickel alloys. Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 4: Nickel and nickel alloys.
  • UNE-EN ISO 13585 - Brazing. Qualification testing of welders and brazing operators. Brazing - Qualification test of brazers and brazing operators.
  • ASME BPVC IX. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing and Fusing Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Operators. Part QW. Article III and Part QB. Article XIII

  • UNE-EN ISO 14732 Welding personnel. Qualification testing of welding operators and weld setters for mechanized and automatic welding of mechanical materials. Welding personnel - Qualification testing of welding operators and weld setters for mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials. 
  • UNE-EN ISO 13585 - Brazing. Qualification test of welding operators and welding setters for mechanised and automatic welding of metallic materials. Brazing - Qualification test of brazers and brazing operators.
  • ASME BPVC IX. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing and Fusing Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Operators. Part QW. Article III.

How is

the certification process?

technician doing a weld with his protective mask
technician doing a weld with his protective mask

The certification of welders does not require any prerequisites for access to the Certification process, which will consist of a practical examination, where a specific weld (test coupon) is performed, depending on the welding process in which it is certified.

The standard or test code will determine the corresponding test coupon.

The certification process consists of the following phases:

  • Application for certification: the applicant person or entity initiates the process by submitting the ‘Application for certification/recertification’ Form. 
    Based on the information provided by the applicant and the attached documentation, we will proceed to its analysis and confirm the acceptance or not of the candidate to the certification process.
    • An application may be rejected for any of the following reasons:
    • Incomplete information
    • Failure to attach the requested documents
    • Failure to meet the requirements of the certification scheme
    • The information provided cannot be verified


  • Assessment/examination: The designated process manager assesses the competence of the candidate according to the standard or certification code of the welding process applied for. Therefore, the examination can only take place in the presence of the examiner and after confirming the identity of the candidates.


The examiner shall perform the visual analysis according to the reference standard or code and validate this information. If the result of the visual examination is satisfactory, the examiner shall send the test pieces to the destructive or non-destructive testing laboratory or supervise the destructive tests carried out expeditiously in a workshop environment.

Eurocontrol considers that a certified welder candidate should possess the following competencies:


  • Be able to interpret the welding specification (WPS/WPS) that underpins their examination work.
  • Confirm the adequacy of the welding specification to the test coupon(s)
  • Know how to select and operate the necessary welding equipment and consumables
  • Have the ability to weld the test piece: plate or plate/tube or tube to tube.
  • Know how to regulate the power source according to the parameters defined in the welding specification.


Eurocontrol considers that a certified welder candidate should be able to perform the following tasks according to the required competences:


  • Know how to interpret the welding specification underpinning the examination.
  • Check the condition of the welding equipment supplied and adjust it if necessary (e.g. wiring, electrode clamps, torch, power source, wire feeder, flow meter, rheostats to regulate welding parameters).
  • Check the conformity of the base and filler materials with those mentioned in the welding specification (inter alia, the dimensions of the test pieces, their preparation - type of bevel and angle, and the type and size of the filler material and its state of preservation).
  • Place the test papers correctly, according to the application conditions.
  • Perform bead root protection with gas purge (if applicable).
  • Preheat, if necessary, and control the temperature with a thermal pencil or other suitable means.
  • Perform welding to an acceptable quality and visually analyse the joint for imperfections and correct them (the candidate welder, when authorised, may remove minor imperfections by grinding, except on the last pass). If necessary, check the temperature between passes with a heat pencil or other suitable means.
  • Know how to use and properly store the consumables provided for the examination.
  • The Candidate must wear the appropriate personal protective equipment for certification, such as suitable clothing, safety footwear, protective mask, gloves, etc.


The certification examination will take place at the client's premises provided that adequate conditions of lighting, temperature, noise, smoke extraction, physical separation between candidates, necessary material, PPE, etc. are met.


  • Certification decision: the certification decision will be taken by a person designated as a certifier who has not participated in the examination process.


At the end of all non-destructive and/or destructive tests required by each certification standard/code, the result of the whole certification process is evaluated on the basis of the acceptance criteria of the certification process:


  • If the result is acceptable, the candidate's certification decision is positive and a qualification certificate is issued.
  • If the result is not acceptable, the certification decision is negative, in which case the candidate is informed of the reasons for non-approval.


  • Issuance of the certificate: The certification decision is formalised by the issuance of the welder's certificate, which will contain as a minimum


  • your personal details and those of your company,
  • Name of the Certifying Body (Eurocontrol)
  • Reference to the Certification Scheme, standard or other relevant document, including the date of publication (if applicable)
  • Scope of the certification including, if applicable, the conditions and limits of its validity
  • Date of entry into force of the certification (when the certification decision was taken) and expiry date.


Eurocontrol will only issue the Certificate of Qualification when:


  • A decision has been taken to grant or extend certification,
  • The certification requirements have been met,
  • The agreed payment has been made


Complaints or Grievances

Do you wish to consult the information on the complaints process?

downloadDownload the Incident Management Procedure

Certification Fees

Consult your particular case in our nearest office or through our enquiry form and we will contact you.

Information on

certificates in force

If you wish to know the validity and validity of a granted certificate, you can consult it by sending an e-mail to or by filling in our contact form.

If you need more information about the certification scheme, the rights and duties of the applicant, etc., you can request it by sending an e-mail to or by using our contact form.

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Why choose Eurocontrol ?


A team of experts at your disposal

more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level

with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity

that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.