What is
pleasure boat inspection?

The inspection of recreational boats has the purpose of verifying that the safety conditions at sea required for the boat and its equipment are met.
The inspections of pleasure boats are regulated by Royal Decree 1434/1999, of September 10, which establishes the surveys and inspections of pleasure boats to guarantee the safety of human life at sea and determines the conditions that collaborating inspection entities must meet, in which the requirements and periodicities of the inspection of pleasure boats are established, as well as in Royal Decree 339/2021, of May 18, which regulates the equipment safety and pollution prevention of pleasure boats.
The boats affected by this regulation are all those considered recreational that, regardless of their means of propulsion, have a hull length between 2.5 and 24 meters, designed and intended for recreational and sports purposes, and that do not transport more of 12 passengers (RD 1434/1999, Art. 2.1).
The mandatory inspections established in the legislation are:
- INITIAL: mandatory for all vessels, unless they bear the CE marking of conformity. Unless expressly indicated by the Administration, it is not carried out by the collaborating entities.
- PERIODIC (every 5 years maximum): mandatory for boats over 6 meters in length for private use and for all those operated for profit.
- INTERMEDIATE (Between the second and third year from the date of the last periodic inspection): mandatory for all vessels over 6 meters that are operated for profit and for those for private use over 15 meters (or 6 meters if they are made of wood).
- ADDITIONAL: mandatory when repairs or modifications are made to the boat and when it has been stranded, boarded or damaged that may affect its safety conditions in navigation. The most frequent modifications are the change of engine and the change of navigation zone, but you should know that any modification or installation of equipment requires an additional recognition, which will be carried out at the request of the Maritime Captaincy.
- EXTRAORDINARY: it will be carried out at the request of a judicial body or the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine. In the situation of extraordinary surveys due to lack of a navigability certificate (cases in which it has never been issued for various reasons), they will be carried out at the request of the Maritime Captaincy.
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Certificate of Airworthiness / Certificate of Registration
This document certifies the aptitude of the boat to be used. Any reference to the Certificate of Airworthiness is equally applicable to the Certificate of Registration, both being equivalent for inspection purposes.
The Certificate, stamped by the collaborating inspection entity, is the document that accredits the maritime authority, users, clients, insurance companies, etc. that the boat has passed the mandatory surveys designed to guarantee SAFETY AT SEA.
The Certificate (...) must always be carried on board. If requested by the competent authorities and said Certificate is not found on board, a period of five working days will be available, counted from the request, to justify to them the existence and validity of the Certificate on the date on which the request was made. request. (RD 1434/1999 Art. 4.3).
The owners of pleasure boats will be responsible for keeping the Certificates up to date… (RD 1434/1999 Art. 4.4)
Serious infractions (...) are navigation without a Certificate (...), or doing so with said Certificate expired. (RD 1434/1999 Art.12.a) and the performance of transformation works or change of engine without the corresponding authorization or with infringement of the regulations that regulate it (RD 1434/1999 Art. 12.b)
They are very serious infractions (...) the navigation of recreational and sports boats that, lacking the appropriate Certificate (...), do not also meet the proper conditions of navigability, endangering their safety. (RD 1434/1999 Art. 13.a).
Before purchasing a boat already registered in spain, check if you have a valid navigability certificate or registration certificate.
Development of acknowledgments in an ITB
It is advisable that the owner take advantage of the boat's grounding due to the renovation of the antifouling paint to pass the mandatory inspection.
The inspector will check the good condition of the hull, propulsion installation, electrical installation, deck and tanks – in addition to rigging if it has one – and that the boat has the mandatory safety equipment on board.
The vessel must have the aforementioned Certificate, or failing that, other documentation that proves its registration in the Merchant Marine. The documents that prove your registration in the Merchant Marine are, for example, the Entry Sheet of the Ship Registry, the Navigation License, the "Certificate of Registration - Navigation Permit", the Ship Inspection Certificate (C.I.B.), the “Certificate of Construction by Units” and the “Role of Dispatch and Staffing”.
It is not necessary to wait for the expiration of the Certificate to carry out the inspection, since, if the inspection is brought forward a maximum of 6 months, the new expiration date will be counted from the previous expiration date.
Mandatory safety equipment and material on board pleasure boats
The equipment and material, regulated by Royal Decree 339/2021, depend on the navigation area, the length of the boat and the motorization installed on board, including auxiliary motors (you can consult it in the DOWNLOADS section).
The Navigation Zones currently established are:
- Zone 1: Unlimited browsing
- Zone 2: Navigation less than 60 miles from the coastline.
- Zone 3: Navigation less than 25 miles from the coastline.
- Zone 4: Navigation less than 12 miles from the coastline.
- Zone 5: Navigation less than 5 miles from a shelter or accessible beach.
- Zone 6: Navigation less than 2 miles from a shelter or accessible beach.
- Zone 7: Navigation in protected coastal waters, ports, roadsteads, estuaries, sheltered bays and protected waters in general.
The Navigation Zone (assigned by the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine based on the safety equipment) should not be confused with the Design Category (assigned by the manufacturer based on the wind and sea conditions for which the boat is designed). The one that appears on the license plate of your boat is the latter.
Depending on the Design Category of the vessel, the admissible navigation areas are:
- Category A: Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Category B: Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Category C: Zones 4, 5, 6, 7
- Category D: Zone 7
Recognition result in an ITB
Depending on the state of the boat and its equipment, the result can be:
- SATISFACTORY: You can navigate within the term of validity of the Certificate…. (RD 1434/1999 Art. 10.1).
- FAVORABLE WITH MINOR DEFICIENCIES: You can navigate within the validity period of the Certificate (...), but you must solve them before sailing, without having to pass a second inspection.
- UNFAVORABLE: The Certificate will not be renewed.
If the result of the inspection is unfavorable, the collaborating inspection entity will grant a maximum period of TWO MONTHS pto correct the anomalies detected. (RD 1434/1999 Art. 10.2) - NEGATIVE: The Certificate will not be renewed and it will also be communicated to the Maritime Captaincy. (RD 1434/1999 Art.10.3)
Remember that you must request the following acknowledgment before the expiry date of the certificate.
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We regularly organize training courses for inspectors, both internal and external (see TRAINING section)
legal overview
The regulations related to the statutory inspection of recreational boats can be consulted at the following links or on the website of the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine. This way you will be able to know what your obligations are as an owner.
- Royal Decree 1434/1999, of September 10, establishes the mandatory surveys and inspections (https://www.boe.es/eli/es/rd/1999/09/10/1434).
- Royal Decree 339/2021 determines the safety, rescue, firefighting, navigation and spill prevention equipment (https://www.boe.es/eli/es/rd/2021/05/18/339).
- Royal Decree 1185/2006 establishes radioelectric equipment (https://www.boe.es/eli/es/rd/2006/10/16/1185/con).
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