What is the location of noise sources
using a sound camera or beamforming?
Locating noise sources using a sound camera uses a technique known as beamforming, which allows locating the point with the most significant loss of insulation or noise contribution from a wall or object, facilitating the identification of the acoustic insulation problem or the location of the most predominant sound focus to guide the solution proposal.
Through this technology, and using an acquisition system that has a high-precision microphone array, an image of the studied area is obtained, with the points where there are sources of noise with the greatest contribution, or acoustic bridges, colored in function of the transmitted sound level.
The use of this technique is especially useful in larger studies or projects (such as predictive studies or insulation calculations of corrective measures) that seek solutions to a noise emission problem, generally in industrial environments or in completed buildings. The results obtained facilitate decision-making in the process of designing solutions that can reduce noise emissions to the interior or exterior environment.
Locating noise sources and acoustic bridges with a sound chamber provides our clients with maximum precision, quality and reliability in defining the actions and corrective measures necessary to reduce noise transmission. This has a direct impact on the reduction of the costs of implementing the solutions, since the dimensions of acoustic shielding can be reduced or actions that imply a significant additional cost can be ruled out but do not imply an improvement in acoustic insulation, with which we manage to optimize the measures measures adopted and reduce work times.
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