do we provide?
Our material quality control service offers the client comprehensive technical assistance for the quality control of construction materials, through the management and coordination of both our teams and specialists as well as our collaborating laboratories.
To carry out the tests with our own means, we have the most modern equipment to guarantee our clients the most precise results.
As an important improvement that provides a relevant added value to the final result, we manage the global set of tests on the materials of the work (both those carried out with our own means and the tests commissioned to our network of collaborating laboratories, perfectly equipped and accredited) and technical assistance to the client, carrying out a detailed analysis of the results and offering the corresponding quality recommendations, which result in an evident improvement in the aforementioned quality and in a greater precision of the final information issued. No less important is that this service also allows us to promptly alert the client of any incident related to the quality of the work, allowing decisions to be made in a minimum time and preventing the pace of the work from being affected.
Our company has been providing quality control services for construction materials for more than 30 years and, therefore, we have participated in most of the large Building and Infrastructure projects undertaken in our country. In addition to technical experience, we are backed by full customer satisfaction and the successful completion of all follow-up and re-evaluation audits that we have been subject to to date.
We also have specialist personnel with extensive experience both in carrying out tests and in interpreting the results, as well as state-of-the-art test equipment.
To carry out the tests with our own means, we have the most modern equipment to guarantee our clients the most precise results.
As an important improvement that provides a relevant added value to the final result, we manage the global set of tests on the materials of the work (both those carried out with our own means and the tests commissioned to our network of collaborating laboratories, perfectly equipped and accredited) and technical assistance to the client, carrying out a detailed analysis of the results and offering the corresponding quality recommendations, which result in an evident improvement in the aforementioned quality and in a greater precision of the final information issued. No less important is that this service also allows us to promptly alert the client of any incident related to the quality of the work, allowing decisions to be made in a minimum time and preventing the pace of the work from being affected.
Our company has been providing quality control services for construction materials for more than 30 years and, therefore, we have participated in most of the large Building and Infrastructure projects undertaken in our country. In addition to technical experience, we are backed by full customer satisfaction and the successful completion of all follow-up and re-evaluation audits that we have been subject to to date.
We also have specialist personnel with extensive experience both in carrying out tests and in interpreting the results, as well as state-of-the-art test equipment.
Official accreditations
We are officially authorized by the Community of Madrid and registered in the General Registry of the CTE (Technical Building Code) as LECCE with number MAD L-010 in the following area of action:
- AE area. Control area of welding of structural steel profiles, basic and complementary tests. Download Accreditation of welding tests
All activity concerning tests is carried out under the criteria and requirements of the European standard EN ISO/IEC 17025, which benefits the quality of Building and Civil Works.
Voluntary Certifications
Our priority commitment is to provide our clients, private and public, with the best service, for which we have developed, integrated and implemented in our facilities, fixed and mobile, the following Management Systems, periodically audited by the Certification Entities and in full force :
- AENOR ISO 9001 Certificate of Quality Management System. Discharge.
- IQNET ISO 9001 Certificate of Quality Management System. Discharge.
- AENOR ISO 14001 Certificate for Environmental Management Systems. Discharge.
- IQNET ISO 14001 Certificate of Environmental Management System. Discharge.
- AENOR ISO 50001 Certificate for Energy Management System. Discharge.
- IQNET ISO 50001 Certificate for Energy Management System. Discharge.
- AENOR Certificate of Conformity for the Classification of Energy Service Providers. Discharge.
- OHSAS 18001 Certificate for Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Discharge.
- AENOR 19601 Certificate of Criminal Compliance Management System. Discharge.
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Why choose Eurocontrol ?

A team of experts at your disposal
more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level
with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity
that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.