Certificados energéticos

Energy certificates

The Energy Efficiency Certificate of a building or part of it is a document that describes the energy characteristics of the building: thermal envelope, thermal and lighting installations, normal operating and occupancy conditions, thermal and lighting comfort conditions, quality of indoor air, etc., which determine its energy consumption, and, therefore, its Energy Efficiency Rating.

How does the

Energy Efficiency Certificate work?

In 2007, the obligation to have an Energy Efficiency Certificate for newly built buildings was established, in order to know their energy characteristics. In 2013, this requirement was extended to most existing buildings and the use of the energy efficiency label obtained as a result of certification was regulated. With the publication of Royal Decree 390/2021 of June 1, the range of buildings that need CEE is expanded and the publication of the label for the sale of these properties is required.

The Rating level is expressed by the building's Energy Efficiency Label, which consists of 7 grades ranging from A to G, with level A being the highest degree of efficiency and level G the lowest. The Certificate includes recommendations for optimizing the energy efficiency of existing buildings, which lead to a better Rating and, in turn, savings on the energy bill.

What buildings must have

an Energy Efficiency Certificate?

  • New construction buildings and rehabilitations of existing buildings, both for the project and for the finished building.
  • Existing buildings, or portions thereof, being sold or leased.
  • Buildings or parts thereof in which a public authority occupies a useful area of more than 250 m2 and which are regularly frequented by the public. In this case, in addition, the Energy Efficiency label must be prominently visible.
  • Buildings of more than 500 m2 whose use is administrative, health, commercial, public residential, educational, cultural, recreational, logistics, hospitality or sports.
  • Buildings that must pass the Technical Building Inspection (ITE) and energy renovations in the coming years.
  • Our technicians are trained to issue Energy Efficiency Certificates according to all the systems approved by the Ministry of Industry: CE3, CE3X, HULC, CERMA, CYPETHERM and SGSave.

We highlight our great experience in unique buildings, such as shopping centers and corporate buildings of large companies, as well as residential homes.

Request information by filling out our contact form, sending us an email to efficiencyenergetica@eurocontrol.es or calling 962 439 013 / 913 272 568.

Discover our other

related services

Monitoring and control of energy consumption

The energy consumption of the facilities of industries, buildings or complexes is controlled and monitored through different computer tools (both hardware and software), which allow extracting all the data related to said consumption and carrying out predictive analysis and monitoring of the same.

light bulb
Energy supply management

At Eurocontrol we are aware of how complicated it is to actively monitor energy costs, given the complexity of the electricity market (read this article to understand how the electricity market works). That is why we take care of managing energy supplies for companies that want to outsource it and avoid that hassle.

Why choose Eurocontrol ?


A team of experts at your disposal

more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level

with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity

that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.