
Subsidies for electricity-intensive consumers 2024 Campaign

From 4 June to 1 July, electricity-intensive consumers may apply for compensation for the financing of electricity from renewables, high-efficiency cogeneration and for additional financing in non-mainland territories. The 2024 call for applications has an amount of almost 32 M € and reaches up to 85% of the cost attributable to these concepts.


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32 million in aid


The call for aid, which was published in the Official State Gazette of 3 June, will allocate 31,878,355.92 euros to compensate the financing of support for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources, high-efficiency cogeneration and compensation for the extra cost in non-peninsular territories included in the charges borne by electro-intensive consumers in 2023.


In addition to being considered electro-intensive consumers and being validly constituted, the applicant companies must meet the following requirements:

  • Carry out in each of the installations or supply points for which they are applying for the subsidy one or more activities in the sectors listed in Annex I of the Call Order under the CNAE codes specified therein.
  • Proof of having borne the charges in the electricity supply prices corresponding to the year prior to that of the call for applications.


Consult all the information on the call: https://www.infosubvenciones.es/bdnstrans/GE/es/convocatorias/764697

What are electro-intensive consumers?

Electro-intensive consumers are those legally constituted companies belonging to the sectors included in the Annex to Royal Decree 1106/2020 and which, in addition:

  • Contract energy on the electricity production market by any means provided for in the regulations.
  • Have consumed, during at least two of the three previous years, an annual volume of electrical energy greater than 1 GWh, and, at the same time, for those same periods, have consumed at least 46% of the energy during the hours corresponding to the off-peak tariff period. For these purposes, annual consumption shall include all electricity consumption, including self-consumption.


They have had a ratio for at least two of the three previous years between annual consumption and the gross added value of the installation corresponding to the supply point for which they have the category of electro-intensive consumer of more than 0.51 kWh/€.

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