What is
Spill inspection?
Discharges can be classified into two types depending on their destination and the specifications established for their control.
2 types
of discharges

Discharges into the sewage system
The activity must have a discharge authorisation from the local council of the municipality in which it is located. The control must be carried out by an Authorised Control Body (OCA) by ENAC (National Accreditation Entity) for Environmental Inspection, in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard.
Discharges into the natural environment: stream, river, sea, septic tank, etc.
The discharge authorisation depends on the Hydrographic Confederations and the control must be carried out by an Authorised Control Body (OCA) by ENAC (National Accreditation Entity) for Environmental Inspection according to the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard, which is also a Collaborating Entity of the Hydraulic Administration (ECAH).
On the other hand, activities that carry out controlled or uncontrolled discharges are susceptible to groundwater controls, when so indicated in their application document (regulations, AAI, etc.) and in cases of cessation of activity associated with a soil study.
Our services
Eurocontrol is an Authorised Control Body, with accreditation 06/EI092 in Environmental Inspection (see full scope of accreditation) and a Collaborating Entity of the Water Administration.
We are also one of the few ECAHs in Spain that includes in its accreditation the WASTEWATER DISPOSAL INSPECTION PROTOCOL (PIV) for the Conformity Assessment works regarding the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of a discharge (wastewater) and regarding the concentration of pollutants in the receiving environment (inland water).
At Eurocontrol we respond to all your company's needs in the field of discharges and water quality, carrying out the following work:
- Sampling of wastewater and groundwater. Verification of conformity according to concentration (physical-chemical).
- Determination of discharge flow and parameters "in situ".
- Inspections as a Collaborating Entity of the Hydraulic Administration, according to the Wastewater Discharge Inspection Protocol (accreditation number EC031/2).
Outside the scope of accreditation, we offer the following services:
- Characterisation of surface water.
- Installation of piezometers for groundwater monitoring.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of corrective measures and purification systems.
- Control of biota, sediments and sludge in inland and marine waters.
Discover our other
related services
Why choose Eurocontrol ?

A team of experts at your disposal

Geographical coverage at national level