How does it

The study of internal data provides the company with improvements in processes, storage, distribution, energy efficiency and improves the services provided to its customers. It also helps to identify the best customers, in order to retain them, and provides the necessary information to generate new customers.
Studying the competition is something essential, which is achieved by adding external information, and after comparing the data, comparative reports will be obtained.
Our clients will therefore have the necessary tool for decision making, with the aim of improving their position in the market, by increasing their clients and their profits.
how can we
help you?

At Eurocontrol Smart Solutions we offer a full range of business BI services, ranging from preparation, maturity assessment and requirements analysis to the complete design and development of the BI project and even subsequent learning support to ensure the optimal user adoption.
We execute ad-hoc projects on the client's production chain, reading data from different platforms, ERP, databases, and even individual files. We build on them a complete intelligence of the data, and we prepare an online publication of the visualizations oriented to the different profiles where the data has been treated to obtain from them the necessary knowledge for each area.
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Why choose Eurocontrol ?

A team of experts at your disposal

Geographical coverage at national level