How does it

The Comprehensive Strategic Plan lays the foundations for the Smart City model adapted to the municipality and establishes the roadmap that must be followed to specify definitive strategies that allow the defined European objectives to be achieved.
From the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), based on digital infrastructure and digital services, a new model of municipality is built in which the City Council can monitor and control the environment to manage more efficient and sustainable use of its own resources, also offering citizens better services and electronic services (Smart citizen).
From the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), based on digital infrastructure and digital services, a new model of municipality is built in which the City Council can monitor and control the environment to manage more efficient and sustainable use of its own resources, also offering citizens better services and electronic services (Smart citizen).
What should a
Smart City Master Plan contain?
The Strategic Plan (or director), is a document with the following global objectives:
- Promote the shared vision and feeling of belonging to the municipality in the consistory and in the population.
- Increase the satisfaction of citizens and visitors.
- Promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth through the optimization of the services that the Municipal Council can offer.
- Improve the Strategic Positioning of the municipality.
- Lay the foundations to develop regulations and ordinances that regulate the way public employees work and the rights and obligations of citizens in matters involved in this planning.
- Facilitate the receipt of regional, national and European public aid.
- Facilitate the access of the municipality to the different associations, clusters and territorial networks related to smart territories and in the RIS3 of the territory.
And as specific objectives:
- Contextualize and define the Smart City phenomenon for the understanding of any citizen.
- Introduce priorities on technology, innovation, development of new smart specialization sectors, synergies with emerging municipal policies in social, cultural and heritage innovation, such as municipal competence, etc. into the local political agenda.
- Justify the need to import the Smart model to the municipality, adapting it to its needs, thus enhancing its differential aspects.
- Integrate the actions or projects related to the theme already started (EDUSI, PMUS, PACES, etc).
- Define the mission, vision and commitments, based on the type of municipality and the political objectives, from a strategic approach.
- Explain the “verticals” or “silos” in which the proposed actions will be classified and justify the need to interconnect them.
- Define the methodological roadmap for the process of joint creation of the strategic planning and the projected methodology for its subsequent execution, once the Plan has been drafted.
- Define the participatory processes of each phase of the Strategic Plan and present the results obtained from them before the delivery of the Strategic Plan.
- Diagnose in a consensual way the initial situation of the municipality and its City Council, that is, develop a SWOT-City (including public service concessions and public companies) and benchmarking with comparable entities.
- Define the Key Performance Indicators (KPI), which will be standard, specific and measurable.
- Define priorities and objectives of the Strategic Plan, aligning them with the different European strategies and the Digital Agenda of Spain and the 2030 Agenda of Spain.
- Define the portfolio of projects and actions to achieve the objectives of comprehensive strategic planning (including the training of both politicians and technicians through training), ordered by priority.
- Define the intermediate milestones for the achievement of objectives.
- Estimate the resources needed to implement the actions or projects, including, if necessary, the transversal platform that breaks verticals, IoT sensor networks and/or a data-based
- Comprehensive Control Center for the city: commercial fabric, smart lighting , real-time traffic control, remote assistance for the elderly, etc.
- Define the governance structure, assignment of responsibilities, deadlines, calendar of events and communication plan, external and internal.
- Define good practices for the execution of the Strategic Plan.
- Improve coordination between the different areas of the City Council.
- Define the requirements of the technology necessary to achieve the objectives.
- List and classify the financing opportunities available and plan their achievement.
- Generate “summary formats” for the most voluminous parts of the Strategic Plan.
- Draft a document that can "be alive" and that can be filled in and updated as the Smart City roadmap progresses.
At Eurocontrol, as a consultancy specializing in Smart City, we offer our experience in drafting master plans and we support citizen participation processes and that of other interest groups.
More information in Consulting on Smart Cities and industry 4.0
More information in Consulting on Smart Cities and industry 4.0
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