trabajo sobre un proyecto en grupo

Telecommunications Project Management (PMO)

We coordinate the different agents involved in large-scale projects, from the planning of the works to the final integration of the sites, through the incorporation of experienced resources in the field of planning, control, order management, quality assurance, technical support , sales assurance and economic control.

What is

telecommunications project management?

Through our Project Manager Office (PMO) services, we provide our clients with value through participation in the main control flows of the Projects, including planning activities, quality control, document evaluation to achieve the strategic objectives in the activities. deployment and maintenance for both fixed and mobile networks. With the participation of highly qualified professionals in different strategic areas, we achieve recognition from our clients for our high level of performance.

how can we

help you?

For the provision of our PMO services we have the capacity to provide all the infrastructure and technical equipment, adapting to the needs of each project and client, both in number of resources and in their specialization.
Our PMO service has capabilities and experience to manage and coordinate the different phases and activities of all types of projects within the Telco sector:

  • Work planning based on the demands of the end customer, distribution and coordination of the tasks of all the agents involved.
  • Quality control of materials, processes and work performed.
  • Definition of processes.
  • Establishment and Control of Milestones in all phases of the project.
  • Assurance of deliveries.
  • Review and control of generated documentation and its upload to final client repositories.
  • Technical support.
  • Economic control, verification of investment parameters, recurring costs and their possible deviations.
  • Orders management.
  • Attendance at meetings with clients.
  • Escalation Management, giving the precise instructions for the correct interpretation of the project.
  • Monitoring, control, measurement and evaluation of compliance with KPIs and SLAs.
  • Status reporting and project monitoring.

Discover our other

related services

protective helmets
Site health and safety coordination

Eurocontrol. has site H&S coordinators with an extensive track-record both in different types of work and in the time spent on each site. Eurocontrol offers your company a team that covers all stages on a construction site, from the design stage to completion.

Eurocontrol prepares any type of documentation required by Royal Decree 1627/97:

V audit
Remote monitoring of activity (V-AUDIT)
V-AUDIT is a control tool for field processes, collects and orders information, real-time geolocated control of actions, streaming, checklist for verification of actions.
It can be used through the web platform or mobile app and contains, among others, geolocation modules, visit planning management, checklist and live streaming connection.
This tool has direct application in any sector with field activity, which can benefit from optimization in task planning, real-time remote supervision, reduction in travel costs and document management of photographs and videos.
Radio tower
Interference and PIM control

We identify and mitigate the action of interfering signals that affect the quality of the radio signal, we also verify the presence of installation defects that cause intermodulation products (PIM).

Why choose Eurocontrol ?


A team of experts at your disposal

more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level

with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity

that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.