Verification network coverage

Verification of mobile and Wi-Fi network coverage

The registration of certain network quality indicators allows us to verify the level and quality of mobile coverage through functional tests of the user experience. Through these records, we can identify configuration defects or shadow areas, which allows our radio engineers to make decisions to achieve the appropriate service levels.

What is mobile and Wi-Fi 

network coverage verification (Drive Test)?

The verification of mobile and Wi-Fi network coverage (Drive Test) consists of recording, mostly in itinere, both at site and cluster level, specific parameters of the mobile network.

These records are made for different technologies/bands such as:

  • 2G bands: G900 and G1800.
  • 3G bands: U900 and U2100.
  • 4G bands: LTE800, LTE900, LTE1800, LTE2100, LTE2600, LTE3500.
  • 5G bands: Low band (NR700), mid band (NR3400-3600), mmW 26GHz.

How can we

help you?

At Eurocontrol we are specialists in performing drive tests to assess mobile network coverage. Although the recording of parameters is usually done in mobile station environments, they can also be carried out in singular facilities or in areas associated with collective means of transport:

  • Means of transport (AVE, metro line, train, ferries...)
  • Special solutions (airports, congress fairs, sporting events...)

To carry out these measurements, a scanner and different terminals connected to specific software are usually used. These measurements can be carried out in the following ways:

  • Dynamic: The equipment is located inside a vehicle that records values in the vicinity of an antenna or the cluster to be measured.
  • Static: The measurement is made statically close to the antenna we want to measure.
  • Walktest: The equipment is located in a backpack and the measurement is carried out in a specific pedestrian zone.

In addition to the record of measurements per node for a specific operator, benchmarking campaigns are also carried out that allow the level of network performance for various operators to be compared.

Discover our other

related services

Quality control of radio tower
Quality control of installation and maintenance of telecommunications networks

We carry out quality audits that guarantee the correct state of the installation and compliance with technical specifications and applicable regulations. An appropriate quality control avoids defects in the installation, as well as the early deterioration of the elements, which implies fewer service outages, as well as the reduction of corrective actions. We also evaluate the performance level of suppliers and the training of the resources contributed to the activity.

Radio tower
Interference and PIM control

We identify and mitigate the action of interfering signals that affect the quality of the radio signal, we also verify the presence of installation defects that cause intermodulation products (PIM).

Radio tower
Control of radioelectric emissions

Control of compliance with current regulations on levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields, both in the public sphere (R.D. 1066/2001) and in the occupational environment (R.D. 299/2016). We carry out radioelectric studies, periodic certifications and commissioning requests.

Why choose Eurocontrol ?


A team of experts at your disposal

more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level

with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity

that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.