Waste inspection

The disposal of waste by landfill, as the base of the pyramid of the waste hierarchy established by the European Waste Framework Directive and collected in the Spanish legal system through Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and soils contaminated for a circular economy, is regulated by Royal Decree 646/2020, of July 7, which regulates the disposal of waste through landfill. This regulation was created with the aim of guaranteeing human and environmental health.

The inspection tasks fall, by legal mandate, to Collaborating Entities of the Administration accredited under the ISO 17020 Standard and their function is the minimization and control of waste that is deposited in landfills.

What legal obligations do industries have

regarding waste disposal through landfilling?

Carry out the Basic Characterization of all waste flows derived from your activity that are going to be deposited in landfills. That is: the complete investigation of the physicochemical and hazardous characteristics of the waste. In the case of waste from regular production, carry out Compliance Tests complementary to the Basic Characterization when the annual production reaches or exceeds 500 tons.

In the case of new generation waste or waste with a dangerous or mirror-type LER code, carrying out the Determination of Dangerousness/Non-Dangerousness and Assignment of the LER code of the waste.

What services does Eurocontrol offer in the field of
waste inspection?

From the waste inspection department of Eurocontrol, as an entity accredited by ENAC in this field, we are at your disposal to provide the best service to your company in matters such as:

  • Admission of waste to landfill according to Annex II of RD 646/2020: Basic Characterization and Compliance Tests.
  • Classification of hazardous/non-hazardous waste (determination of hazard): LER code assignment.
  • Advice and consulting for optimal waste storage and sampling.

Our extensive technical experience, the performance of inspections under ISO 17020 criteria and the synergy with our collaborating testing laboratories accredited under the ISO 17025 standard guarantee the correct execution, in a timely manner, of any work you entrust to us.

Request a quote

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information, our experts are at your disposal.

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Eurocontrol employee taking aminate samples
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Asbestos is a major public and occupational health problem: this multi-talented material, massively used until it was banned, has proven to be highly toxic. Legislative requirements are changing, with the recent addition of the obligation for municipalities to carry out a census of asbestos installations and sites and to draw up a plan for its removal, for example. Training requirements have also been established to ensure the safety of workers handling asbestos.

Why choose Eurocontrol ?


A team of experts at your disposal

more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level

with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity

that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.