garbage on the street

Assessment of urban environmental service delivery

We carry out the evaluation and analysis of the current situation in situ of the urban environment services provided to the municipalities.

What is urban environment

service delivery assessment?

taking out the trashes in the city
taking out the trashes in the city

It is a procedure used to measure and evaluate the operational efficiency of the provision of waste services by means of technical parameters.

The urban environmental services evaluated can be grouped into three blocks:


Coverage of waste collection and street cleaning services


To guarantee the representativeness of the on-site evaluations to be carried out, we value the number of samples to be carried out based on a series of starting data (population, areas of the municipality, “black spots”, etc.).


  • Equipment control: Through visualization and during check-in and check-out times, a check is made on the material and human resources available in the facilities intended for the parking of machinery and equipment.
  • Control of the provision of services: controls are carried out during working hours of the correct functioning of the waste collection and/or street cleaning services, in which a count of the number of equipment and personnel observed will also be made.
  • Soiling and/or efficiency index: After the provision of the waste collection and/or street cleaning service, on-site evaluations are carried out to verify their efficiency.
    - Quality control of containerization points: To carry out the on-site evaluation of the waste collection points, the following criteria, among others, will be taken into account: state of conservation, serigraphy, degree of filling, overflow and environment.
    - Monitoring of waste collection vehicles. Among the items to be evaluated mainly are:
    *Number of containers of the different fractions that form each point
    *distances traveled
    *Average collection times per point
    *Number of points and containers collected
    *Environments and overflows before collection

Exploitation of the clean point


To evaluate the operation of the clean point, we make a visit to its facilities in which the following parameters will be evaluated:

  • Accessibility to facilities.
  • Waste segregation.
  • Waste containerization.
  • Waste identification.


On-site evaluation of parks and gardens


In order to evaluate the exploitation of the parks and gardens, we will carry out a quality control of the services in force of the public administration in the field of cleaning, collection and maintenance service of the parks and gardens by means of statistical indices representative of the situation in which they are they find lawns and meadows, land, bushes, hedges, trees, children's and elderly areas, etc.

how can we

help you?

recycling trashes in a park
recycling trashes in a park

In this field we carry out evaluation actions on the following services.

  • Waste collection and street cleaning services
  • Exploitation of the clean point
  • Parks and gardens

The clients to whom we perform this type of service are the following:

  • town halls
  • commonwealths
  • Other public entities
  • private entities

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  • Sampling and determination of dirt-moisture adhered to the waste

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A team of experts at your disposal

more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level

with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity

that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.