Building in construction

OCT Technical Control Body for the ten-year insurance policy

Eurocontrol, as a company linked to quality, is committed to permanent innovation in its organization and technical services; Among its latest projects, it is worth highlighting the Technical Control Body (OCT).

What is the

Technical Control Body for decennial insurance?

Since the year 2000, with the entry into force of the Law on Building Regulation (LOE), we have been providing services as a T.C.O. for Technical Assistance in the Verification of the Quality of Projects, Geotechnical Studies, Materials and Execution of Works and Installations in accordance with Article 14 of the aforementioned Law and the scope of application set out in Article 2 thereof.

Our activity as an independent service company in technical control and quality assurance in all types of constructions, materials and installations extends to Technical Building Control for the purposes of ten-year insurance, being recognised within the framework of ten-year damage insurance as a Technical Control Organisation (TCO) by reinsurers and insurance companies with a national geographical presence.

Our services


inspection of work in barcelona
inspection of work in barcelona

We can affirm that Eurocontrol sufficiently guarantees its customers reinsurance companies and insurance companies:

Integrity and independence

  • For the management policy manifested in the quality system implemented according to the UNE EN 45004:1995 standard accredited by ENAC.
  • Due to the activity of the companies that constitute its shareholding, which in no case have any relationship with the entire construction process.
  • Due to the declaration of all the members of the Board of Directors (collected in the audit carried out by Unespa) that they have no relationship with the Building and do not belong, as company directors, to Financial Entities.
  • By the internal rule contained in the Technical Instruction IT/01-Rev. 2 “Internal Rule of action as OCT”, which regulates the relations of the activity as OCT with the Civil Works Laboratories and the associated group of companies, manifested by the commitment letter from the Director General of Eurocontrol
  • For the authorization as an Authorized Control Body (OCA) by the Ministry of Industry of Castilla La Mancha.


  • For the qualification and professional experience of the OCT technical staff that complies with the recommendations of Unespa, Aocti and ENAC.
  • For technological innovation, applied in the management process, digitized documentation registration and preparation of official reports, through the Digitized Management Computer Program, specifically designed for this purpose.
  • By the system of control and supervision of projects, geotechnical studies and control of execution of works applied in on-site inspections, and defined in specific procedures and technical instructions carried out specifically for this purpose, which are part of the quality system of the OCT.

Civil liability

  • Due to the disposition of an insurance policy of R.C. worth THREE MILLION EUROS (€3,000,000.00), with adequate coverage for the control to be carried out.

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Why choose Eurocontrol ?


A team of experts at your disposal

more than 1,400 people specialised in different technical disciplines.

Geographical coverage at national level

with more than 30 branches and international presence in more than 50 countries through the Apave Group.

Complementary areas of activity

that allow our clients to combine safety and performance in all stages of their projects.