We help you recover part of the cost of your investments
in energy efficiency
What is an Energy Saving Certificate (ESC)?
The Energy Saving Certificate is the accreditation of the savings achieved by a company as a result of energy efficiency actions. Once the savings have been verified by the established mechanisms, the company obtains as many CAES as kWhs of energy savings achieved.
A company that implements measures likely to generate savings may be considered an Energy Savings Owner and transfer these savings through the ESC system. In other words, it can sell and liquidate the ESCOs to obtain a financial return on its investment in energy efficiency. The value of an ESCO varies according to energy market conditions and current incentive policies.
Royal Decree 36/2023 establishes the regulatory framework and the process governing the Energy Saving Certificates (ESC) system.
How can we help you manage your ESC?
As a Technical Office in the ESC Mechanism, we accompany you throughout the entire process of obtaining the certificates.
- Pre-validation of potential savings before the execution of investments in energy efficiency and analysis of projects to determine eligibility for obtaining Energy Saving Certificates.
- Advice in the project definition phase to guarantee the traceability of savings and their conversion into Energy Saving Certificates.
- Support in the methodology for calculating savings and/or validating savings from actions carried out in order to transform them into EECs.
- Compilation of documentation and preparation of the EEC application file.
- Support and direct communication with the verifier if necessary during the verification process.
Did you know ?
Management of EECs with
standardised data sheet

The Ministry for the Energy Transition and the Demographic Challenge has established a series of technical data sheets for standardised energy efficiency measures classified by sector (agricultural, industrial, tertiary, residential, transport), which can be consulted in the catalogue available on its website.
Our technicians offer you advice on the following aspects:
Preliminary analysis - Pre-validation
Pre-validation with the client or EAC generator to analyse the feasibility of the justification for the action.
Development of the file and justification of savings
Preparation of the file:
- We will calculate the savings generated according to the formula expressed in the corresponding standardised file and fill in the file.
- We will compile all the documentation and information required in the standardised form, which we will organise and code according to the requirements of the competent body of the autonomous community or ministry.
- We will maintain direct communication with the verifying agent during the verification process.
- If the client specifies it, we will provide the verifier with all the necessary documentation and the CAE file in order to verify the savings.
Management of singular performance
Energy Saving Certificates (ESC)

In the event that the energy saving performance does not fit into any standardised file, we will carry out a specific study to justify the savings achieved.
Preliminary analysis - Pre-validation
- Preliminary analysis of the actions to determine the viability of the technical justification of energy savings in the file. Preliminary filtering to determine whether the project is eligible for EPCs due to not having received funding, classification and pre-validation of potential projects or savings measures.
- Feasibility in the creation of energy models. This phase can be exclusive and an initial consultation will be carried out with the verifier. Based on the documentation received, a regression energy model (linear or other) is created to justify the energy savings. This model is based on the IPMVP protocol.
- After analysing the information, we will filter the eligibility of the projects according to the year of implementation of the measure, the possibility of demonstrating savings and compatibility with aid received from the FNEE.
Development of a unique project file and justification of savings
Request for documentation to justify the savings.
Verification process
- We will have direct communication with the verifying agent during the verification process.
- If the client specifies it, we will provide the verifier with all the necessary documentation and the CAE file in order to verify the savings.
- We will manage the necessary corrections, if the verifier requires it, accrediting actions already implemented or improving the evidence or justifications already provided.
- We will provide the client with all the supporting documentation for the energy saving action required by MITECO in the Application form for the issue of energy saving certificates (CAE) corresponding to a singular action, to complete the file before verification:
- Report or technical project of the action carried out.
- Final certificate of work and installation.
- Photographic report of the action carried out.
- Documentation that allows for the confirmation of the final energy savings resulting from the execution of the singular action, specifying the final energy consumption before and after undertaking the action.
The justification of the savings, taking into account the documentation received by the client or ECA generator, will always be based on energy models according to the IPMVP protocol.
Contact our specialists to resolve all your doubts about Energy Savings Certificates.
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