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What are
electromagnetic fields?
The presence of electromagnetic fields is a daily occurrence in the developed world, since such fields are generated whenever electricity is used.
To which sectors does
RD 299/2016 apply?

The low intensity of the fields in general guarantees that they do not cause any adverse effect. However, in certain workplaces, the intensity of the fields can represent a risk, which is why RD 299/2016 aims to guarantee the safety and health of workers in such situations.
Among others, it applies to the following sectors:Royal Decree 299/2016
- Industrial
- Sanitary
- Energetic
- railway
- Aeronautical
- Logistic
- telecommunications
Workers with particular risks (pregnant women and workers with implants or who carry medical devices), probably require a specific evaluation, as well as the elaboration and application of a particular action plan.
Who is responsible for
applying it?
Serious and very serious infractions derived from non-compliance with the obligations established in RD 299/2016, may be sanctioned with amounts of up to 40,000 euros and 819,000 euros respectively, at the proposal of the labor inspection in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Violations and Sanctions in the Social Order.
How does it apply?
At Eurocontrol we have all the necessary equipment to carry out the measures required to verify compliance with the Action Levels and Exposure Limit Values.
What happens if
the allowed limits are exceeded?
In the event of exceeding the Exposure Limit Values or Action Levels, the employer is responsible for intervening immediately in order to:
- Reduce exposure levels
- Determine the causes of said overcoming
- Modify protection and prevention measures
And in addition, in general, the employer must:
- Provide information and training to your staff
- Have the participation of workers in risk management
- Apply practices in relation to health surveillance
Why Eurocontrol?
Our Employee Prevention Service is accredited by the Ministry of Labor at the national level. Since the year 2000, Eurocontrol has carried out its work offering support to the employer for the development of preventive management.
The Eurocontrol External Prevention Service has an interdisciplinary team that covers the four specialties established in Law 31/1995 on Prevention of Occupational Risks:
- Work Safety
- Industrial hygiene
- Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology
- Work Medicine
Royal Decree 299/2016 - Measurement equipment All our actions are carried out in accordance with strict technical and regulatory quality assurance standards. The starting point of our interventions is based on the initial risk assessment, the planning of preventive action and the periodic control of working conditions.
Our Radioelectric Emissions department positions us as leaders in assessing the levels of exposure of the general public around radioelectric installations, in accordance with RD 1066/2001, of September 28, which approves the Regulation that establishes protection conditions for the radioelectric public domain, restrictions on radioelectric emissions and health protection measures against radioelectric emissions. Since 2002 we have been working in the field of radioelectric emissions, with more than 90,000 independent evaluations submitted to the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda.
The work team is made up of highly qualified engineers and technicians who have state-of-the-art equipment duly calibrated. In addition, we continuously collaborate with the Administration, Universities and Collegiate Bodies of the sector.
By uniting our extensive experience as an External Prevention Service and relying on our leadership in the field of radioelectric emission assessment, we are in a position to offer all clients an integral and complete service, adapting it to their needs.
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A team of experts at your disposal

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